Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Streets of Philadelphia

Nowadays, if you want to see the Liberty Bell, you have to visit the shiny new visitor's center just to the right in this photo. It's okay... probably a lot more room than there was in the old place, but it's always a balance between convenience and authenticity.

I love these quirky little neighborhood shops with their creative color choices. So many neighborhoods I work with want to create 'color palettes' to control what colors people choose to paint their facades. I mean, as long as they're not painting brick, who cares? Paint can be changed, unlike some other alterations that people do to historic buildings. And a dash of color can add drama and interest to an otherwise staid and sober downtown.

1896 doesn't make this the oldest building in Philly by any stretch of the imagination, but it's still pretty doggone old. Philadelphia has some great neighborhoods just to wander in and enjoy.
Even on a dreary day, the streets are alive and jumping with people. If you're in Philly to visit the Rocky Museum, take a stroll through an historic neighborhood.

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